*Parc-X Trio - "Intermission" (s/t)
*Ernesto Cervini Quartet - "The Sneaky Two" (Here)
Fight the Big Bull - "Dying Will be Easy" (Dying Will Be Easy)
Harris Eisenstadt - "Dayourabine/Thiolena" (Guewel)
Ornette Coleman - "Zig Zag" (The Empty Foxhole)
RIDD Quartet - "Paoli" (Fiction Avalanche)
Odean Pope - "Two Dreams, Part 1" (Plant Life)
Talkover: Donald Byrd - "Parisian Thoroughfare" (First Flight)
Sean Conly - "Suburban Angst" (Re: Action)
Chris Potter - "Zea" (Follow the Red Line)
Khan Jamal - ""Rhythm Thang" (Cool)
MMW - "Rifion" (Zaebos)
*Peggy Lee Band - "Walk Me Through" (New Code)
*Gordon Grdina Trio - "Yellow Spot Into the Sun" (...If Accident Will)
Pat Metheny - "Question and Answer" (Question and Answer)